travel quirks

I travel a lot. Always have. (I wish that meant that I'm a good packer. But it doesn't.)

When I flew from Nashville to Seattle the other day, I paid attention to all the odd things I do when I fly. And there are many.

  • I feel compelled to eat or drink something whenever I'm in an airport. Not to say that I always do. But I always want to.
  • Airports give me the sense that I'm going to run into someone I know. I actively look around as if I might.
  • I touch the outside of the plane as I board. (I started this on my first mission trip when I was 14. I wonder how many planes I've tapped since then...)
  • Between the time I board and the announcement to switch off electronics, I send an abnormally high number of tweets/texts.
  • I avoid making eye contact with people. I don't want to have to talk to anyone! What can I say, I'm an introverted flyer. (Bad missionary, I know...)
  • I'm an aisle seat girl, preferably as close to the front of the plane as possible.
  • I need to feel air blowing directly on me, so I immediately adjust the little air vent accordingly.
  • I wear my seat belt so loose, it probably doesn't even matter that I'm wearing it. I also unbuckle it the instant we land. I'm talking the moment the wheels hit the tarmac.
  • Because I tend to get motion sick, I try to make myself fall asleep if there's turbulence. (I've been known to sleep through some wicked storms...)
  • I usually bring a book on board, but never ever end up reading.
  • My free beverage of choice is always ginger ale. The only other time I drink it is when I'm sick.
  • I only pee when absolutely necessary, so I don't often use the bathroom on board.
  • If I do, I cover my ears when I flush. The noise freaks me out.
  • I try to avoid looking in the mirror in the airplane bathroom. The lights in there make me look pretty frightening.

What are your travel quirks?

If you're in the Seattle area, let’s hang out tonight!