“There is a life to be lived
right here in the waiting.”
My One Word 365 journey with the word embrace has been a challenging one. Like a rock in my shoe, it‘s remained an ever-present discomfort — one I wish at times I could shake myself free from. But there it remains. Pestering me to find contentment in my discontent. Gently reminding me there is much good in my now, even when my now doesn’t match the one I’d envisioned for myself. Whispering to me, “Don’t forget to breathe.” Inspiring me to lean into finding and strengthening the healthiest version of myself.
It’s led me to quiet resolve, to inner strength, to vulnerable release, to much-needed solitude, to joy and heartache and everything in between. It’s led me to simply feel. To simply be. To simply hold space for my own self.
And once again I am reminded that regardless of the distance between now and not-yet, “there is a life to be lived right here in the waiting.” And I shake my head at the gentle annoyance of that rock in my shoe. Oh, Embrace... You’re not quite done with me yet...