
When Sydney, my friend Rachel's 4-year old daughter, saw me the other night (for the first time since she was 2!) she blurted out, "You cut your hair---I saw that on your blog!" I started laughing and she hugged my leg.

Rachel explained: She and Sydney sit together often to read my blog as well as look at pictures and updates on our ministry website. That just made my day.

Sydney regularly sends us her saved-up money as a donation "to help the kids in Africa." She even emails me every now and again to ask questions and learn more about what life is like there. (Important things like, "It's morning here. Does that mean it's night there?" and "What color are the school buses?")

Sydney showed me her newest project: She makes and sells necklaces to have extra money to give us. She proudly pulled $20 out of an envelope and presented it to me. Her hard-earned cash, going straight to Africa.

And yes. She's only 4.

As the evening started winding down, I told Sydney I was going to get my camera so we could take some pictures together. Her excited response was absolutely priceless.

"Oh good! Then you can put them on your blog!"

I love it. She knows me well.

So this, Sydney, is for you!