
christmas song ramblings

Ever stop to think about the words in the Twelve Days of Christmas song? Does anyone seriously want their true love to give them so many birds? Between the partridge, turtle doves, French hens, calling birds, laying geese, and swimming swans, you’d really just end up with a whole lotta crap to clean up.

I would know. I have a bird.

And I can’t help but think of a horrible musical with all those milking maids, dancing ladies, leaping lords, piping pipers, and drumming drummers. Cue mental image of men in tights wielding musical instruments and frolicking about with large-chested women. Nothankyou!

The only thing in the song my true love is even allowed to give me is gold rings. (As long as they're white gold.) But, in all honesty, who needs five? Certainly not me.

K. Your turn!

What Christmas song do you totally hate? (Tell us why!) Is there one you really love? Any guesses which is my favorite? (I'll tell you in a comment later tonight!)

[repost, with edits]

pay it forward

I've never been one for Black Friday shopping. Just thinking about all the crowds and chaos makes me feel an anxiety attack coming on. No thank you! But I love me some internet shopping. Cause I can do that without ever leaving my bed house. Mmhmmm.

Here are some ways you can support Thrive Africa and your online shopping habit---not just on Black Friday but every day:

Buy a Thrive Shirt.

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Shop Amazon From Here.

amazonYou can donate without actually donating by clicking on this link before making purchases. Thrive gets a small referral fee when you buy anything from Amazon after you follow the link.

Donate a Portion of Your eBay Sales.

ebayDo you sell things on eBay? You can donate 10%-100% of the final sale price to Thrive, for any item you sell. Learn more about setting up your next listing to donate to us.

Who says you have to live in Africa to make a difference in Africa?

twenty-five: of december

This year, I'm struggling to find Christ in Christmas. Not in the "Of course He's the reason for the season" kind of way, but in the "He's working evidently in my life" sort of way. Yet I know He’s there. Just like the wise men knew as they followed a star toward what they could not see.

I'm choosing once again today, just as the magi did, to follow hard after Him. Even when I don't see, or feel, or---at times---even believe.

The words of a friend have been marinating in my heart and mind all week: God wasn't in the hurt, but He will be in the healing.

That's the whole point of December twenty-five, isn't it? That's the essence of Christmas right there---God reaching down to bring us healing. Coming to us when we couldn't come to Him.

I think I just found Christ in Christmas. I'm glad you were along for the journey.


twelve: days of christmas

Have you ever stopped to think about The Twelve Days of Christmas song? Seriously, does anyone want their true love to give them so many birds? Between the partridge, turtle doves, French hens, calling birds, laying geese, and swimming swans, I’d say you’d really just end up with a whole lotta crap to clean up.

And I can’t help but think of a horrible musical with all those milking maids, dancing ladies, leaping lords, piping pipers, and drumming drummers. Cue mental image of men in tights wielding musical instruments and frolicking about with large-chested women. No thanks.

The only thing in the song my true love is even allowed to give me is (white) gold rings. But, in all honesty, who needs five? Certainly not me.

Is there a Christmas song you either totally love or totally hate? (Make sure you tell us why!)