
open mic


Speak up! You can share (pretty much) anything...

confessions / what you're reading or listening to / soapbox rants / a cause you want to call attention to / plug your blog, band, business / random thoughts / favorite verse / strangest thing in view / interesting links / prayer requests / youtube video that makes you laugh your ace off / God's whispers to your heart / shout-outs to someone you love / funniest thing you've heard all day

This is your chance to express yourself. Go ahead. Open mic. You know you wanna.

four-minute friday: bread butts

Go. I can't stand banana butts. Or hot dog butts. And I really don't like bread butts.

But I used to feel like I needed to be a bread butt martyr. I'd eat them, even though I hate them. Simply so someone else didn't need to. I'm realizing that I do that with a lot of things. I'll choose what I don't like if I feel that decision will be better for others in some way.

But I had an epiphany about the butts: Some sacrifices just don't need to be made.

Bread butts simply do not need to be eaten. By anyone. So I stopped taking one for the team and started giving the butts to the birds.

Everybody wins.


Your turn! Leave a four-minute comment about bread butts...

keepin' it fresh

Tomorrow is four-minute Friday. That means I start with Go and end with Done, and everything in between is written in four minutes. I typically choose a topic based on whatever's happening at the moment, and then just start typing. I've four-minuted about time zones, nicknames, and cereal. Music, hope, Isaiah 53, and ostriches.

Thanks to an inspiring housewarming gift, I'm gonna mix things up this week. You get to decide the topic of tomorrow's post.

So. What do want me to ramble about for four minutes? Give me as many suggestions as you've got.

no i didn't give up blogging for lent...

Fifteen days blog-free and I just can't take it anymore. I think that's the longest I've gone without posting since I started blogging back in 2005! What initially began as a pause while my blog got her makeover, eventually grew into a much-needed hiatus. And while I still don't feel like I have much worth saying right now, I'm anxious to write, read, and connect again.

The Grit's facelift is the handiwork of Shauna at See My Designs. We're still working out a few wrinkles, but I'm loving having my own unique site. And Shauna's been a joy to work with. If you're ready to jump into the deep end of a custom design, check her out. Let her know I sent you! (Maybe I'll get some brownie points...)

see my designs

Since my mojo's gone missing (anyone seen it?), I'm hoping you can give me some bloggerific ideas. Ask questions, tell me stories, shake up my creative juices... Let me know what you want to hear about at the Grit.

I've missed your voices! I wanna hear from you...