what it means to be a woman

Although I'm fairly goal-oriented, I've never been one to set New Year's Resolutions. However, something I recently read on a friend's blog struck me as something worth aspiring for. As I desire to be all that the Lord wants me to be -- as a wife, as a friend, as a minister -- this list of attributes seems to be a great target worth aiming for.

I strive to be a woman who:

...has an easy laugh and an easier smile; is a good listener; is always ready with a hug, an encouraging word, or a well-timed joke; follows hard after her passions and dreams; is not easily discouraged; is bold and unafraid; is humble, humble, humble; shares her feelings openly; shares her thoughts and opinions when the timing is right; works hard; takes care of herself, and also her family; is comfortable in her own skin; shows respect to her husband as she does all humans; does not gossip; is not a doormat; knows how to be flexible; is not pushy; makes a great team-player; is a nonconformist; has fine-tuned intuition in regards to communication and friendships; is confidant and capable, and capable of asking for help; is wise and witty; will eat with her fingers from time to time; isn't overly concerned with what others think of her; is not a respecter of persons; can socialize comfortably with middle class, the social elite, or the homeless; tackles challenges head on; is not easily offended; can relax, unwind, and even have fun when the house isn't clean; will clear her schedule at the drop of a hat to be with a friend who needs her; is forgiving and slow to speak; is always looking to grow; helps those less fortunate; is at home at the ballet or a basketball game; has an adventurous spirit; cherishes family times and makes them a priority; is calm under stress; is optimistic and grateful, not a complainer; is genuine; but most of all, humble.

Thank you, Amy, for putting words to my heart. My one addition would be:

...whose life is marked by her passionate love for the Lord and for people.

May 2007 bring me closer to being this woman...