I want more of it. I crave it actually.
I love the verse that says, “For He Himself is our peace…” So praying for more peace in my life means praying for more of Him in my life.
Yes please.
I think often of the storm at sea in Mark 4, and how Jesus quieted it with His command: “Peace! Be still!” Jesus spoke peace, but peace was already there. Because He is peace.
With Jesus in the boat, the disciples already had peace in the middle of the storm. But they wanted peace without the storm. And Jesus gave that to them; He calmed the wind and waves. But then He looked at them and said, “Don't you have any faith at all?"
Maybe He was telling them that faith doesn't mean trusting for miraculous rescue from the storm. But rather it means enduring the storm, knowing that Peace is right there with them.
Maybe He's telling me the same thing.