oregon adventures

Last month, Tam and I flew back to Oregon for a couple weeks to spend time with friends and family. We had actually planned the trip before we left for Nashville in June... to help ease the goodbyes a bit. I don't know if that was smart, or just denial. Either way, it was great to go back for a visit. Our dear friends Mark and Cathi had brought baby Lincoln into the world the week before we moved. Leaving the three of them was the hardest part of moving away from Oregon. So it was crazy-good to soak up time with them again. Mark and Cathi are amazing parents, and I so loved just being with them while they did their thing.

And Lincoln? That boy could not get any more adorable. He is delicious, in every possible way. Dang, I love that child.

As an expression of trust and love that made my heart swell with words I can't find, Mark and Cathi asked me to be Lincoln's godmother. In a way no one will ever fully understand, something that had been taken from me got restored in that moment. And my heart's been brimming with tears just below the surface ever since. She feels tender, fragile, grateful... But she's full. And she's learning to trust anew...


My phone camera got a workout during the trip. But being the proud aunt that I am, pretty much all my pictures are of Link. So consider yourself warned... You're about to get your weekly fill of CUTE all in one slideshow...

Oregon Adventures

Share a snapshot of some recent heart-happy in your own life... I'd love to hear about something big/small/whatever that has filled your heart right up.