I read this a few days ago, and it resonated with me...
It never ceases to amaze me that people never tire of hearing "never give up."
How about you? Is this all you need to hear today? The gifts and dreams God has given you are irrevocable, so Satan knows that he cannot remove those from you. So his tactic is much simpler. If he can just discourage you, then he has won the battle. When we are discouraged, we quit trying...we lose because we don't even attempt.
Never give up. What has God placed within you? God did not give you gifts and dreams to frustrate you. He gave you these gifts so you can use them as a gift back to Him. Don't be discouraged. Don't give up. The Kingdom of God needs you to come through. You have potential that gets wasted unless you overcome your discouragement and stay on track. Problems are part of the process (so are problem people) so never be surprised when you run into roadblocks. Don't let it get you down. Just keep going. Progress is still progress even if you are crawling! Never give up.
When I read it, it was what I needed to hear that day. Maybe it speaks to you, too...