
Mentor and mentorship seem to be real buzz words right now. But I'm not sure I really know what they even mean. I understand them in theory, but not in practice. I've never had a mentor.

Many leaders who've earned my respect and admiration have poured into me---some I know personally and some I don't. I love learning, so I often seek out opportunities to glean from others---by asking questions, by simply observing, by engaging in open dialogue. But never in a formal "will you be my mentor" kind of way. And I don't know that I've ever had someone take me under their wing by their own initiative either. But that could be just my fuzzy brain talking.

While I desire to be a leader who's quick to notice and develop potential in others, I don't know that I can honestly say I've mentored anyone. There are many I've intentionally poured myself into. But because it wasn't specifically asked for or labeled "mentorship", can I really say I was mentoring them? If my mentee (don't know what else to call 'em!) doesn't say I'm their mentor, does it still count? I don't know.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to answer any or all of my Qs---

  • What does mentorship mean to you?
  • Do you have a mentor?
  • What does that look like? How formal or informal is it?
  • How did you find/get your mentors?
  • Are you a mentor? To whom?
  • What does that look like? How formal or informal is it?
  • How did you find/get your mentees?