four-minute friday: the late edition

Go.four-minute friday 2 I'm in Nashville with an old friend. Kimberly and I met the year we graduated high school---we worked together at a missions organization in Texas. We've stayed in touch mostly through email, and saw each other for the first time in 12 years just a couple months ago.

It felt incredibly comfortable, like no time had passed at all. And at the same time, it felt incredibly new, because we're both very different than we were at 18.

And this much I know is true: Our friendship is more wonderful now than it ever was.

Our past few days together have been a blast. We've enjoyed lots of random conversation, late nights, dancing on a party bus, and fun dialogue with her almost-three-year-old. Tonight was icing on the cake. We spent three hours singing along at a dueling piano bar. So. Much. Fun.

The people-watching was just as entertaining as the live music. From the girl who kept doing the splits to the guy who carried around a spit-cup for his chewing tobacco... Yeah, we laughed a lot.

Kimberly's from the northeast like I am. So when out of her mouth came "Don't be hatin' the banjo!", I couldn't help but think she's been in Tennessee too long!

But I'm glad she's here. Because she's only a short drive away from me in Atlanta, and we can make up for lost time with frequent visits.

I am loving my new friendship with my old friend.
