four-minute friday: love and loyalty

Go. She was walking down the hill while I was walking up it. The moment she realized it was me, she burst into tears. We hugged for a long time.

Later, at my kitchen table, we talked. I wanted to know what's new in her world and how her heart is. We both spoke; we both cried. She asked questions, she listened, she said beautiful things that my heart needed to hear. My friend overwhelmed me with her love and loyalty.

My mind keeps going back to those moments, replaying them over and over. I can't find words to convey how hard these days have been, and how much I needed those minutes of feeling completely grounded. Of feeling as though I have purpose.

My prayers have been laced with a mixture of emotions and extreme requests. Good thing He knows my heart.

I'm so thankful that you're talking to Him about me.

Mmmm... That, too, is love and loyalty.
