flotsam and jetsam

Way too much to catch up on from the past two weeks...

  • I started something new that may continue as a weekly ritual. (As much as I try to fight it, I am a pretty predictable person; I enjoy routine and tradition more than I wish I did at times...) Four-Minute Friday. I think of a theme or a starting point, start the clock, and just start writing. For four minutes. And I just see what comes out. I expect those posts will always be rather short and fairly random.
  • A few weeks ago I got published in an online magazine. I am overwhelmed by the response I've continued to get from it. It's amazing...
  • Spending 3 days "unplugged" was hard. I missed feeling connected as only the internet can make me feel.
  • Niel and I have now been married for over 7 years! (Congratulations to us!) The best is yet to come, my Hombre...
  • Natalie left today. There is a strange hollowness in my house. In my heart. I miss you so much already, 'talia. (And it must be said: You left your mark behind. Starbucks enchanted the visiting pastors tonight with that lovely noise you taught him!)