
open mic


Speak up! You can share (pretty much) anything...

confessions / what you're reading or listening to / soapbox rants / a cause you want to call attention to / plug your blog, band, business / random thoughts / favorite verse / strangest thing in view / interesting links / prayer requests / youtube video that makes you laugh your ace off / God's whispers to your heart / shout-outs to someone you love / funniest thing you've heard all day

This is your chance to express yourself. Go ahead. Open mic. You know you wanna.

coffee talk: exchanges

"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie..." And you know what? So have I.

  • I've exchanged His truth that I'm loved freely for the lie that I need to earn it.
  • I've exchanged His truth that He'll provide for the lie that I need to take care of myself.
  • I've exchanged His truth that I'm free for the lie that I'm still in chains.
  • I've exchanged His truth that He uses broken vessels for the lie that He'll only use me when I dot-dot-dot.
  • I've exchanged His truth that I was made in His image for the lie that who I am just isn't enough.

What would you add to the list?

And how do we exchange them back?