
bunkum: dehickulate

In light of the success of the last little somethin' somethin', I figured it might be fun to give this a try... Bunkum Rules of Play: The commenter before you will post a word they made up. You should post a definition and/or use the word in a sentence. Then leave a made-up word for the next person. Come back to chime in as often as you'd like!

(I can't wait to read Danielle's husband's contributions!)

Starter word: dehickulate

laughing gas

I’m on my way to the dentist for the second time in two days.

It all started with my filling falling out yesterday. So I went by the dentist’s office in town to make an appointment. “We just had a cancellation; he can take you right now.” Eeek! I made a scared face and the internal dialogue war began.

What? Right away? Then I don’t have time to work myself up for it. But maybe it’s better this way. Then I don’t have days to freak out about it. Just go in and get it done. Although, I think I’d rather have days to prepare myself…

My opposing Jiminy Crickets were interrupted with, “Follow me…”

Oh dear.

It was a tense 20 minutes. Especially when Mr. Dentist decided to show me the huge, metal gun-like apparatus that he was going to use to inject me.

“Uhh… I really freak out with needles. Can’t you just give me laughing gas?”

“We don’t have that here… But don’t worry. This won’t hurt.”

“That’s what they always say!”

:: Commence uncontrollable laughter. ::

“I’m sorry. I’m laughing because I’m nervous.”

“See... you don't need laughing gas. You already have your own.” As he's saying that, he lifts the gun into position. That’s so not helping.

"Relax," he tells me. "You're so tense."

"Okay... just do it." I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and brace for impact.

If I’m honest, it wasn’t even all that bad. But I still hate it. Every. Single. Moment. Of. It.

And now I’m going back for a full cleaning since he didn’t have time to do it yesterday.

:: Start Lamaze-style breathing… NOW ::

what's on my mind

Niel left early this morning with our interns for their outreach trip to Botswana. He's flying home this weekend to be here when we have some guests from with us. But in the meantime, I've got a few days to myself. After my friends left late this afternoon, I did basically nothing. And now my emails are up to 247. I plan on still getting some work done tonight, so hopefully it will be less rather than more by tomorrow.

If you haven't been coming back to read comments on my posts, you're missing out on some great conversations.

  • Bob responded to my rambling about cutting my hair by saying that confidence paired with innocence/vulnerability is the best thing a woman can wear. I asked him to expound. And I love his reply.

flotsam and jetsam

It's Easter, and I'm mindful of the fact that there is always redemption. When my situation looks bleak, I need to remember that God can bring life when it looks as though there's none to be found. That makes my heart smile. Interesting bites from my week...

  • Last Easter I used my last egg-dying kits, so this was the first year in a very long time that I didn't color eggs. I decided to color my flotsam and jetsam instead. Though it was egg-less, we had a great day. The Thrive family of staff and interns came over for a braai (barbecue) and we had a fun time together.
  • I was out of the office more than I was in it this week... leaving me with 219 emails still to answer! (219 emails = busy week ahead!)
  • We closed the ministry Thursday and Friday to celebrate Easter with a long weekend off from work. Our staff and interns seemed appreciative of the extra days to relax and recoup.
  • Some friends have been visiting with us this weekend. I've really enjoyed the down-time I've gotten to spend with them... it's been good for my soul.

  • I wore an African dress to an Easter service at a local church. The mamas loved it! Joyce and I sort-of matched in our African Easter dresses, and we took pictures together for the first time ever!
Joyce & Alece
Joyce is so beautiful!
And she was so proud that we were wearing similar-looking seshoeshoe (suh-shway-shway) dresses. 
Easter dresses
Take a good look at my long locks... I made my haircut appointment for Friday!