weekly download
- We got health insurance for the first time! Seems monumental somehow...
- Niel heads to America on Tuesday; he's going for a whirlwind four-week trip. It's been a hectic week trying to get everything ready, but things are coming together.
- Just today I finished up work on the sixth curriculum I've worked on in the past several weeks. Some I wrote, some I edited. All took a long time. As much as I enjoy it, I'm glad to be done. For now.
- I was challenged to amend my work/email habits to make my days more productive: to only check email 3 times a day, and keep my Outlook switched "offline" in between. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to take the plunge yet. Maybe in the week(s) ahead.
- Finishing and finishing well are completely different goals. That will yield completely different results.
- I was reminded that to maximize His impact, Jesus focused His time and energy on a select few. There is freedom in that for me, because I often feel the pressure of being torn in many directions. There isn't enough of me to go around. But there wasn't of Jesus either. Even though the 9 would have complained and disagreed with His "special favors" for the 3, He continued to put His best into the best.
- Is my spiritual "will to live" strong enough that I will do whatever it takes to get to the bread of life and living water?
- Just like Caleb, I want to "think differently and follow God completely".
so they say
Some great quotes on courage from Andy Stanley's Next Generation Leader.
- "A leader is someone who has the courage to say publicly what everybody else is whispering privately. It is not his insight that sets the leader apart from the crowd. It is his courage to act on what he sees, to speak up when everyone else is silent."
- "Leaders instill courage in the hearts of those who follow." (Or my take: Courageous leadership infuses courage in others.)
- "As leaders we are asking men and women not only to follow us to a place they have never been before; we are asking them to follow us to a place we have never been before either. That takes guts. That takes nerve. That takes courage."
- "Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage assumes fear... Courage is the willingness to strap on your fear and move ahead."
- "Failure looks and feels completely different in the rearview mirror than it does when it is staring at us through the windshield."
- "Capital follows courage. The courage to dream always precedes the capital needed to finance the dream. Don't be afraid to embrace a problem you cannot afford to solve."
- "You can't lead without taking risk."
- "Wherever there is fear, there is opportunity. Wherever there is great fear, there is great opportunity."
picture pages
weekly download
This was a week full of learning and challenge...
- In our staff meeting, I was reminded that, just like delayed obedience, partial obedience is still disobedience.
- John Bevere also said: "Grace empowers us to do what truth demands of us." Mmm. That's good stuff right there.
- Something new we're doing this term with our interns has allowed me to see a different side of them, which I am really excited about. I was able to see two of them in action in a teaching environment this past week. And they did awesome! I can't wait to see the others as the term progresses.
- I went into my Missions class feeling completely exhausted and drained, and came out of it feeling totally energized. We had a great (but challenging) discussion, that is hopefully going to lead to some positive changes (personally and as a team).
- Thursday night we had a barbecue for our entire ministry team -- staff, interns, and Outreach Staff. We figured a "Family Dinner" was in order since the Outreach Staff were leaving the next morning. Everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship (I hate that churchy word), and it flowed wonderfully right into Family Night. The whole evening felt very comfortable. Not sure how else to describe it, but it was as though everyone just felt very comfortable with each other. It was sad to see part of our team leave the following morning...
- A "Snapple Fact" I read this week (inside the lid of one of my Snapple drinks) informed me that Long Island (where I'm from) is the largest island in continental U.S. Who knew?!
- Construction has begun as we rebuild after the fire. It is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time! (But more on that another time...)
- As I type this, I am watching a show about hippos...and it's made me incredibly happy.
- Oh yeah... Remember the pigs? We now have 57 piglets!