thanks for talking about me

I know my dreamcation was a direct answer to prayer. But not mine.

Because I never actually prayed for one.

Oh I talked about wanting to get away to some exotic location. But I never prayed about it.

Not because I thought God wouldn't care, but because I don't pray for myself very specifically very often. But that's a blog post for another day.

Where was I?

Oh yeah.

My incredible trip was an answer to your prayers.


You know who you are.

I've been so humbled by the number of people who've been genuinely and faithfully praying for me. For months now. Some of you I know intimately, and some I've never met before. And yet you pray for me. Consistently.

It makes me welly-eyed.

I know many of you have prayed specifically for peace, rest, strengthening friendships, and even an opportunity to get away.

And God used some wonderful people in Middle-of-Nowhere, Pennsylvania to answer those prayers.

I am so incredibly grateful. For your intercession and for their obedient and generous response to His nudging.

Thank you for talking to Him about me.

He's listening.

And He's answering.