It's Leap Year.
And today, February 29th, feels like a bonus. It's an extra day, and it's got me thinking about what I want to do with it.
I know every single day is a gift. Even Mondays. I know today is no more special than yesterday or tomorrow. But still it seems to be challenging me a little differently.
It's got me thinking more uniquely about the fact that what I've been given -- these 24 hours, these however-oh-so-many breaths, these moments -- are once in a lifetime.
I want to live today with purpose and intentionality. I want to see what's in front of me, hear what's between the words being said, and live from my heart. I want to give more than I get, focus on others more than myself, and choose the next wise thing.
I want to steward today -- day 60 of 366 -- as best I possibly can. And I want to steward every day that follows just as well...
Leap Year. February 29th. Let's do this thing right...
What will you do with the gift of today?