my day

  • Woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off, which is always a good thing in my book. (If I can avoid hearing that obnoxious beep-beep-beep-beep, my day is already off to a much better start.)
  • Ate a toasted bagel for breakfast. (Not a huge deal to most of you, but since I live in a bagel-less nation, it's a massive deal to me!)
  • Left on-time for the airport (a little early even) and discovered a new Starbucks in the terminal once we checked in. (Yay for chai bliss.)
  • On our layover in Philly, I somehow managed to spill an enormous beverage all over myself. (How do I do these sorts of things???)
  • After a "plane maintenance delay", we finally made it into Detroit and got to our host home around 10 PM. (I slept through the majority of both flights, by the way.)
  • Answered urgent work emails, caught up on blogs, wrote a few personal emails. (Now I'm off to bed. Long day tomorrow!)

Good night John Boy!