perspective changer

I struggle with jealousy more than I'd like to admit.

I want to be the friend who gets the call first. The one who's told the big/important/great/awful news first. I want to be somebody's somebody. Their best, favorite, whatever...

And He is jealous for me...

I find myself feeling hurt when I'm left out or disregarded, or when I realize a relationship isn't as close as I thought it was. I want to feel like others are pursuing and investing in friendship as much as I am.

And He is jealous for me...

I see what others have — in things, in strengths, in relationships, in ministry, in influence, in personality — and I secretly wish I had them too.

And He is jealous for me...

I look back over a lifetime of living in others' shadows. And while I actually prefer not being the one in the spotlight, I realize how often it's left me feeling invisible. And how much I long to simply be seen.

And He is jealous for me...

My heart is filled with jealousy... Over things and people and callings and opportunities.

And He is jealous for me...


Is jealous.

For me.