with thanks

I wouldn't object to the revolving door of my life getting stuck here in Iowa. This New Yorker never thought she'd say something like that in her lifetime, but... it's true. I don't want to leave. Because I am so not ready to say goodbye to Sara.

Despite the circumstances that brought me here, it has been such a joy to be with her this past week. In the heaviest of moments as much as the punch-drunk late night madness, it was a gift to be with my dear friend.

I know this much is true: I benefited far more than she did. I'm leaving fuller... richer. I'm leaving as a better me than when I came. Good friends have that effect on us, don't they?

I want to be that kind of friend.

I want to love hard. Forgive quickly. Choose joy. I want to risk big. Grow daily. Drip grace. I want to savor sunshine. Live grateful. Model Christ.

As I leave, I am determined to pay more attention to the fine details of my life... of my days. I will look closely for the blessings that lie in each moment.

And I will thank Him a whole lot more.

I'd love to hear what you are thankful for, right this very moment.