
jabberwacky: banana splits

I'll be traveling for the next 30 hours straight; I know you're jealous. In the meantime, why don't you guys keep yourselves occupied with a little wordplay.


  • Post the first word or phrase that comes to mind when you read the word above yours in the comments.
  • Come back and add to the mix as often as you'd like.
  • You can challenge the preceding commenter to explain if you don't understand the connection they made when they wrote their word. (If you know your word choice won't make sense to others, take time to explain it.)
  • The last word when I close comments will be the first word next time.

Last time we started with Africa and ended with banana splits. Let's see what happens this round!

Starter word: banana splits

flotsam and jetsam


  • Mandy made me a rockin' new banner for my site.
  • I got my hair cut a little bit shorter, and it's now longer on the right side then the left...
  • Remember that scary before picture of my tonsils? The after picture looks identical.
  • I got my work email inbox down to 11 messages. It hasn't been that low in at least six months.
  • Xobni revolutionized my life. (If you use Outlook, you should check it out.)
  • My man will be home in a few hours! Yesssss!
  • I've listened to Ingrid Michaelson's Keep Breathing 211 times since I downloaded it 3 days ago.

What are some one-liner highlights from your week?